I was just told I'm getting a brother!
Things have been going along just fine ... I have my humans well trained after nearly five years together, but who is counting? Yup ... I will be five years old on March 28, 2012. I've come along way proving to my humans that I trust them and I can respect their property. Well, awww, I guess that isn't strictly the truth. I still like to grab toilet paper off the holder and race through the house with it. I also am partial to stealing towels to eat ... well, I only eat the corners so I don't know what all the fuss is about. Mom says "If someone wants to visit, they have to accept the toilet paper will always be on the vanity and the hand towels will likely have a corner (or two) chewed off. It's the way we roll." Did I mention I still chew an occasional sock, too? Overall, however, I'm quite the perfect dog. Mom calls me a regal beagle and I can work with that title.
I was getting used to ruling the roost when it was sprung on me last week that I'm getting a brother. Sigh! I asked "Why? I'm a good dog, handsome, and loving. What more do you want?" Dad assured me it had nothing to do with me or my behavior ... they "think" it will be good for me. I've seen a photo of this brother of mine and I can tell you he doesn't resemble me in the least. I'm 20 lbs. ... he is current 1.5 lbs. I am a ShiPoo (Shih Tzu - Poodle mix) ... he is a ChiPoo (Chihuahua - mini Poodle mix). My coat is super soft and I'm black with white markings ... he is also super soft and he's white with sable markings. My name is Ollie and his name is Morty. I just know he's going to be the typical little brother stealing my toys, sitting on laps I might want to sit on, and in general stealing my thunder. Everyone is going to ooh and ahh over this midget and what is even worse is the fact he'll be able to go under chairs and couches to escape me whenever he wants where I no longer fit.
Mom says Morty will love and look up to me, but I know a bit about life now that I've nearly five years old. Everyone is going to flock to him and I'll end up sitting on Dad's lap glaring at them. It's a darn good thing my toys are in a high basket that this midget won't be able to get into. I think they should give him time-outs by sticking him in an old LL Bean boot ... that should contain him! He just better not touch my duck because that is hands off to everyone but me. A guy has his limits, right?
So, I'm a bit worried about meeting this pup on Sunday. What if I don't like him? What if Mom & Dad like him better than me? Can we give him back? Are they just telling me I'll still be the top dog to reassure me? Will he eat my food or steal my toys? And, even worse, what if Morty doesn't like ME? Oh, dear!
I'm putting Morty on notice that my stuff is off limits, Dad's lap is my territory unless I invite him to join us, I will be the one snuggling with Mom with my head on her pillow in bed, my toys are off limits at all times, my food is non-negotiable, and he must never ever steal a treat from me. It will be war if he crosses those lines.
I got another lecture earlier today from Mom. She explained Morty is a baby so he won't understand all the rules of the house and/or my rules which I personally believe trumps household rules. He won't know about sharing and he probably won't have good manners about playing yet. In other words, I need to lead by example. I just hope this little squirt is worth it!
Introducing Morty the midget
I'll keep you posted.