Saturday, August 30, 2014

Ollie's Post: August 30, 2014

Hello my 4 legged and 2 legged friends,

Mom has been reading me posts on FaceBook where people are sharing what they are grateful for so I thought it was time I do the same:

1.   I'm grated I was spared from a death sentence by mom & dad who love and spoil me.

2.  I'm grateful I have an extended loving family who play with me, scratch my head, and get on the floor with me so I can jump on them and wrestle with them.  They love me and I feel it all the way to my curly tail.

3.  I'm grateful mom & dad had me trained to run off leash under voice control so I can feel the wind in my hair and roll with pure joy in the grass.

4.  I'm grateful my dad created a path through the woods so I can go visit my friends Wyatt and Pumpkin when I hear them outdoors.  Wyatt (a handsome and nice Springer Spaniel) and I run, race, and play until we're exhaused and panting.  Pumpkin (an older Golden Retriever) is a bit intimidating when he crouches and then darts at me, but he means no harm and never ever hurts me.

5.  I'm grateful knowing my mom's friend Donna adopted a beautiful Springer Spaniel who I hope to meet one day.  I know what it is like to be abandoned, scared, and sad so I'm so happy she has found a loving and beautiful mom who will help her relax and trust.  

6.  I'm grateful mom gave me two new toys yesterday because I'm so hard on my toys they don't last long ... it is because they are well loved, not because I try to destroy them.  

7.  Lastly, I'm grateful my humans only shower me with love and acceptance ... letting me sleep with them even though I have eaten two of their quilts ... and holding me close when there is thunder and loud claps of lightening while whispering comforting words.

It is truly a wonderful world for me now and it is my wish all animals can experience the same love, patience, and acceptance as I have in my life.  We all deserve it -- humans and animals -- so pass along random acts of kindness and treat others with patience and kindness because you never know what they are going through.  Amen!

Love and a pooch smooch,


Saturday, August 23, 2014

Ollie's Post: August 23, 2004

I've been groomed today ... cut, ears cleaned, nails cut, washed, and blown dry along with a few other services I'd prefer not to go into.  A boy has to maintain some dignity.  I smell really good Mom says and oh so soft ... like stroking the skin on a new born baby, but I'll soon take care of that when Dad lets me run off leash outside.  I'm going to run with the wind and mess up my hair then roll on the ground so I'll smell like grass, and the I'll probably water my Mom's plants.  She doesn't consider it helpful when I water her plants, but, oh well ... I can't please everyone.  Five more weeks before I have to go through this ordeal again although the folks at Planet Dog are very nice and I meet a lot of cool dogs.  I even have a secret twin whom I've met twice while there.  His name is Charlie and we could be identical twins except he's a bit bigger than I am.  Personally speaking, I think it is fair to call him extremely handsome.  As you can see in my top photo, I'm giving you my aloof look because I'm tired of that darn flash going off in my eyes.  In the second photo I don't know what Dad did, but I have eerily green eyes when they are actually a dark chocolate brown that breaks hearts.  Just wanted to share my new hair cut.  It's kept short so only my undercoat shows which makes it appear I'm getting gray hair, but, if I wasn't such a holy terror when it comes to letting Mom gently groom me, I could have a longer cut and have flowing ebony hair.  I would prefer the flowing ebony hair as I think the girls would find it sexier, but I just have to bite if the brush hits a snarl and then the little devil that sits on one shoulder shouts "BITE!"  Did you know dogs usually only have one coat of fur or hair depending on breed?  I'm extra special because I have two -- count them TWO -- coats of hair and I don't shed.   It's been a long day and now I'm off to bed.  If I can beat Mom to bed I'll get to lie down my head on her pillow and then growl sleepily when she tries to gently move me.  Sweet dreams to my four legged and two legged friends. 

Pooch smooch,


Thursday, August 21, 2014

Ollie's Post: August 21, 2014

It's a hazy day in the neighborhood 
And I'm feeling oh so misunderstood.
Pa is out puttering around
While Ma is sleeping ever so sound.
Nobody to play with and no pig ears
I'm bored to the point of some serious tears.
Half Tail has been a no see,
I hope to God he hasn't forgotten me.
No one to pat, cuddle, or give me a belly rub. 
I can't go outside because mud equals tub.
No creatures or humans outside to see,
Oh, what is going to become of me?
I've turned in circles round and round.
I guess all that's left is a nap on the ground.


A very bored Ollie

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Mom's Post: August 19, 2014

Greetings to Ollie's friends,

I know this story has made the rounds, but I hadn't read it for a long time ... I thought perhaps fellow dog lovers would enjoy reading it again or for the first time:
A Touching Dog Story

Being a vet, I had been called to examine a ten-year-old Irish Wolfhound named Belker.  The dog's owners, Ron, his wife, Lisa, and their little boy, Shane were all very attached to Belker, and they were hoping for a miracle.

I examined Belker and found he was dying of cancer.  I told the family we couldn't do anything for Belker, and offered to perform the euthanasia procedure for the old dog in their home.  As we made arrangements, Ron and Lisa told me they thought it would be good for four-year-old Shane to observe the procedure.  They felt Shane might learn something from the experience.

The next day, I felt the familiar catch in my throat as Belker's family surrounded him.  Shane seemed so calm, petting the old dog for the last time, that I wondered if he understood what was going on.  Within a few minutes, Belker slipped peacefully away.  The little boy seemed to accept Belker's transition without any difficulty or confusion.

We sat together for a while after Belker's death, wondering aloud about the sad fact that animal lives are shorter than human lives.  Shane, who had been listening quietly, piped up, "I know why."  Startled, we all turned to him.  What came out of his mouth next stunned me.  I'd never heard a more comforting explanation.

He said, "People are born so they can learn how to live a good life -- like loving everybody all the time and being nice, right?"  The four-year-old continued, "Well, dogs already know how to do that, so they don't have to stay as long."

Out of the mouth of babes ... I'm so grateful to have had Annie, Clarabelle, Rocky-boy, and Chloe in my life for as long as I did.  Annie lived to be 17-years-old while Clarabelle, Rocky-boy, and Chloe each sadly only lived to age 13.   Now I'm blessed to have a dog named Ollie a/k/a Oliver in my life.  Life is very good. indeed!

Ollie's Post: 8/14/2014


It's been a sunny and lazy day in the neighborhood.  I've seen my pal Half Tail twice and we communicated through the screen door today which was a new experience.  I could feel Half Tails nose against mine -- Half Tail stands up and I lie down so we can be nose to nose and stare into each others eyes -- and it felt soft and a bit wet and very small.  Half Tail is my best friend unless I'm running free outside and hear the nieghbor's dogs barking.  All bets are off then and I race for the now muddy path my Dad and I made through the woods so I can visit them without having to have my harness on and walked to their home.  It's a muddy and mucky path at the moment, but what is a little mud between friends when it means I get to race around with Wyatt?

Dad had errands to do this morning so he took me along.  Mom discovered the back seat cup holders in the middle of the seat on the backside of the storage console in front are just the right height for me to drink out of a cup of fresh cool water so I can have a drink any time I want now.  I wish they would fill the cup with milk or orange juice which are favorites with me, but Mom says a little is okay, but too much would not be good for me so, alas, it is always water in the car.  I guess I should be grateful for water and thank Mom instead of complaining.

Dad and I stopped at Planet Dog to get more dog food -- my favorite kind, not the type they used to buy me that contained tiny pellets of vitamins that ressembled freeze dried blueberries.  I used to pick every one of those vitamins out and toss them into the air eating only the dog food.  After stepping on the sharp little pellets with bare feet and weeks of having to sweep up the pellets I tossed randomly, they stopped buying that brand of food and went to another kind that is also suppose to be good for me.  I like this food much better.  I barked when we passed by the display of pig ears and Dad was a good boy because he stopped to buy another supply.

My Mom's friend, Patty, wants to know what they taste like and why I like them so much that I almost turn myself inside out when I see one coming out of the treat jar.  First, Patty, they look exactly like a pig's ear except they are dried -- like when they dry banana slices and they come out like hard little chips.  They smell kind of like bacon except maybe not as nice for humans, and they taste like I would think freeze dried bacon might taste like except saltier and very crunchy.  When I'm very good I get one and take it into my crate so I can eat it with pleasure and gusto ... enjoying every cracking crunch that echoes throughout the room.  I'm in dog heaven and that is what eating a pig's ear is all about.

Time to take a nap.

Love with a pooch smooch, Ollie

Ollie's Post: 8/19/2014


I did not write this, but I think every human should read it because you all seem way too stressed out to me.
If a dog was a teacher you would learn stuff like this:
When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.
Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joy ride.
Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure ecstasy.
Take naps.
Stretch before rising
Run, romp, and play daily.
Thrive on attention and let people touch you.
Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.
On warms days, stop to line on your back on the grass.
On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree.
When you are happy, dance around and wag your entire body.
Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.
Eat with gusto and enthusiasm.  Stop when you've had enough.
Be loyal.  Never pretend to be something you're not.
If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.
When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by and nuzzle them gently.

I love you all, Ollie

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Ollie's Post August 6, 2014

Hello, my fellow dogs and dog lovers,

It's another lovely sunny day in the neighborhood.  My dad has taken me outside twice already to run free through the yard and roll with glee in the grass.  I love the freedom to frolic and romp without any restrictions that come with my harness and leash ... I am one with the wind and grass.

Yesterday, when I heard my pals Pumpkin (an aging golden retriever) and Wyatt (a springer spaniel about my age) outside playing, I  yipped with joy and started to make a mad dash to the path my dad and I have made to their yard through the woods.  It was muddy due to the recent rain so dad scooped me up just before I reached the path and carried me over to sniff and race around with my pal Wyatt.  We had a blast while dad stood there with his arms crossed and a big grin on his face.  Pumpkin doesn't join in on our races ... he would rather get belly rubs from my dad and one of the dog bones he carries in his pockets just for such occasions.  After Wyatt and I were tired of running at top dog speed my dad scooped me up and took me home where I could get a drink and  take a nap in a patch of sunlight.  I have a great dad.

Today I got to see my new friend who comes to help my mom out with household chores for a few hours a week that she can no longer do.  She comes from Uganda and lost her entire family -- father, mother, 2 brothers and 3 sisters -- to genocide.  She watched them being beheaded while she stayed in the hiding place her father told her to go to and had to put her fist in her mouth to stop from screaming in horror and pain.  I don't understand what all of that means, but I saw tears in her eyes and in my mom's eyes as she told her story.  Now she lives in this country and is married to a man who also lost his large family with the exception of two sisters to genocide.  They have two boys -- Alfa is 4 years old

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Mom's Report: July 22, 2014

Something odd is happening in the neighborhood ... Ollie has been too good. Yesterday I was working on a project that involved tempting papers, stickers, and other paper goods scattered on the couch and coffee table. I forgot and left the r...oom for several minutes and then remembered "OLLIE"! I ran (okay, so I did a slow shuffle similar to what Tim Conway used to do on the Carol Burnett Show) back to the family room and he was still sitting in Scott's recliner with his arm casually draped over the side surveying my mess. He hadn't moved. Later I fell asleep while needle pointing a Christmas stocking with strands of yarn and floss all around me. He still was sitting on the recliner looking like a person hankering for a good cigar and a shot of whiskey, but not moving a muscle. This is NOT normal ... he must be plotting something BIG. The house is on high alert and we are left waiting ... Oh, this dog is clever to build the suspense slowly.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Mom's Report: June 29, 2014

It was a nice day in the neighborhood. Ollie and Scott went outside in the early morning while the dew was still upon the grass. He ran off leash like the wind and rolled joyfully in the grass. This goofy little dog barked loud and ferociously at every jogger, walker, cyclist, and golfer while his tail was wagging so fast that we thought he'd take off like a miniature helicopter. Watching such... unbridled joy in an animal made us smile. It was a good way to start the day ... then Half Tail scurried onto the deck and assumed his/her position standing on its hind legs with nose pressed against the glass as Ollie stood silently on the other side with his nose pressed against the other side of the glass. They never move a muscle until Half Tail's legs grew tired ... I observed their silent communication twice today, and, as always, it touched my heart to watch their friendship flourish. Later in the day, as I worked on a needle point Christmas stocking for a new baby in the family who will make his appearance in late September, Ollie and I watched a program about a family of otters. I was on the couch and he was sitting up and watching the television intently from Scott's recliner. When the show was over and I changed to the soccer championships, Ollie found a puddle of sunlight on the floor and plopped down for a nap. Every day there are new flowers coming out and old ones gone by in my gardens... the cycle of life. I love to watch the bees, dragon flies, and humming birds make their rounds through the gardens. Now the sun has set and I can listen to evening noises that come drifting in the windows from the woods behind our home. Once in a while I catch the twinkle of a lightening bug and think back to summer evenings spent at my grandparents' farm with cousins racing through the fields trying to catch lightening bugs in old mason jars. It was nice to have a quiet day to appreciate the smaller things in life.  The end.

Mom's Report: December 23, 2013

Tis almost the night before Christmas and what do my old failing eyes see?
Oh, my dear Lord, it's Ollie with teeth clamped on a glass Christmas tree.
He's holding on for dear life as he backs into his crate.
Growling and glaring at an alarming rate.
With heart pounding out of my chest
I approach his crate and hoped for the best.
He's grinning at me with a devilish smile
So I wait before I approach for just a while.
My ears hear a crunch and then some cracks
As he stops me right there in my tracks
I run to the refrigerator in a fast waddle
Trying my best not to dawdle.
I grab some liverwurst his favorite treat
Lure him with it as I grab and make my retreat.
I look at the once lovely crystal tree
Shaking my head as the tears fall free.
Ollie sits there so innocently smiling at me
As he pulls the crate's door shut with a look of glee.
Oh, Ollie, you are in such trouble with Santa and me!

Ollie's Post: December 12, 2013

Have a Holly Ollie Christmas
Happy New Year!

Ollie's Post: December 8, 2013

Thank you to everyone who is putting in a good word for me with Santa ... to those who can't be won over with my good looks and personality plus, please keep your lips zipped. I really want that elk or deer horn and a ball to play fetch my MOM and DAD that I can't eat. I threw up on the love seat tonight the guest towels that I ate yesterday ... that wasn't pretty or easy ... worse than any cat with a giant fur ball so I won't be doing that again unless Mom hangs up more guest towels. Can you imagine even Mom who loves me more than anyone had not an ounce of sympathy for me? That is just plain cold! Love, your friend Ollie and sending you all a pooch smooch!

Ollie's Post: December 7, 2013

Dear Santa, I have been a very, very good dog this year and am hoping to find a deer or elk bone under the tree on Christmas. I know, I KNOW
I could have been better this year. I shouldn't have grabbed 1/2 of Dad's BLT and eaten it ... ...
I ate parts of another quilt and just tiny chunks out of two top sheets ... I've eaten a couple of holes in the new slip cover Mom got to replace the one I ruined last year ... and I might have eaten a dozen or so socks and/or T-shirts that belong to Dad, but, in fairness, he should pick up after himself! Oh yah, I did take a small chunk out of the leather computer chair, and a few out of Dad's leather recliner, and chewed along the bottom of the new couch, but other than that I've been, as I said, a VERY good dog. When Mom gets too overwhelmed by me, she only has to say "crate" and I go right in and close the door behind me. That counts for something, doesn't it? Love, Ollie
PS: I like the long skinny elk or deer bones best and, if you want to throw in a ball I can't eat, that would be swell because I love to play fetch!

Mom's Report: November 27, 2013

Ollie is getting ready for Christmas already thanks to Emily for knitting him a Santa hat and taking photos the other day. He's already on the lookout for Santa hoping he'll bring him an elk bone to chomp on. Thanks, Em!

Mom's Report: November 2013

Ollie is ready for hunting season ...

Mom's Report: August 8, 2013

Ollie's new hair cut one week after he was groomed. Boy does his double coat of hair grow fast ... I can hardly tell he had a buzz cut for the summer just a week ago. He's still eating the quilt on our bed and anything else he can sink his teeth into, but he's ours and we love him. He's staying close to me because he knows I'm in pain -- only 16 hours + or - until my infusion then I can do the happy dance in my head.  

Mom's Report: July 29, 2013

Ollie was groomed at Planet Dog on Saturday and met his twin (they say everyone has one somewhere in the world -- in his case the planet) ... his name was Charlie and his mother was also a poodle with his dad a shih Tzu mix ... and they had the exact same coloring -- black double coat of hair with white chest, paws, and tip of tail -- but Charlie was much bigger than Ollie. This time Ollie had a ...super short summer hair cut because he HATES to be brushed no matter how gentle I am, how many treats I give him, or the number of breaks he has ... the little imp still tries to bite me. I can usually anticipate it happening when he shows his teeth (looks like he's smiling) so I'll stop and give him a break, a treat, or just pat him while heaping on praise. He still ends up biting me at least once or twice during a grooming session. Does he not recall I saved him and his entire family from a kill shelter in Texas with only 2 days left before they were to be put down? Where's the love and gratitude? Not feeling it. Maybe with his super short 'do' I won't have to worry about brushing him for a while ... he's quite handsome with his new hair cut.

Mom's Report: June 18, 2013

This is for Ollie's fans ... Whenever I get on the telephone, computer, or try to read my Kindle Ollie acts up like a 2-year-old trying to get my attention. A few weeks ago I was fed up and said "Ollie, get in your crate" and pointed at... it. He circled around it a few times, but by the third time he went into his crate, I said "down" and he laid down, and followed up with "stay" and he didn't come out for ten minutes. I was speechless as we've never done any training on this. Yesterday I was on my last nerve with his games and demands for constant attention so I was a little more forceful in my command for him to get in his crate. He gave me one long look then turned, got in his crate, and pulled the door shut and laid down. He didn't leave the crate until I told him it was okay. There is hope for this little scamp ... he's too smart for his own good! Good boy, Ollie!!!

Mom's Report: May 27, 2013

Ollie is one big tough guy for a pup born to an 8 lb. mother and 11 lb. father...he must weigh 25 lbs. at least. Oh, where to begin with Ollie's latest escapades. He ate another pair of reading glasses yesterday (his dad left them on a ch...air instead of suspending them from the ceiling which is the only place safe from this scamp). He's eaten holes in two lovely and expensive quilts, the top sheet of a new set of sheets, the bed spread, and Scott is down to six pairs of socks because he has a bad habit of dropping them wherever he takes them off forgetting Ollie loves to eat the toes, and he's learned a new trick when we're eating in the family room -- he jumps, grabs something off our tray, and dashes for cover before we even realize what has happened. Someone (?) thinks this is hysterical and laughs at him while I struggle to teach this scamp some manners. All I can say is it is a good thing Ollie is a dog and not a child because he'd be smoking pot next. Oh my golly Ollie when are you going to cut your mom a break?

Mom's Report: April 25, 2013

Ollie was trained to run off leash -- meaning a 20 ft. leash would be attached to his collar and he would run, but Scott could still step on the leash if he needed to. Well, this hasn't exactly been working out with him running in the wood...s and getting the leash tangled so Scott decided to try him without a leash at all. Ollie ran and romped through the woods this morning enjoying himself and then, when he started to approach the road, Scott said "treat" - the magic word - and Ollie ran right to him with his tail wagging. It is so great to watch an animal run free and see the joy he gets from it. I never thought it was possible without putting him in harms way until Ollie had training sessions. He's a happy dog, and, if he would just stop eating socks, paper towels, shredding newspapers/magazines, and chewing on Scott's leather recliner, he'd be darn near perfect. It's a good thing the recliner is old and needs to be replaced once Ollie stops chewing on everything not nailed down or suspended from the ceilings. I can't believe we've had this scamp for ten months. He turned one on March 28th and this is his birthday photo ... not exactly the small dog we were told he'd be. We must have gotten the giant of the litter.

Mom's Report: March 27, 2013

At last count Ollie has eaten or chewed holes in 1 pair of prescription glasses (mine), 3 pairs of reading glasses (Scott's), 2 quilts, a sheet, 2 blankets, woodwork, assorted items of clothing (shirts, pants, underwear, socks, a hat & scar...f, 2 pairs of shoes, and a pair of pajama bottoms), glasses, plates, torn too many magazines/newspapers into confetti to give an accurate count, and the latest is he chewed a huge hole in the seat of Scott's beloved leather recliner. I'm sure I've left out many of the things he's demolished or eaten including the fact Scott continues to put his evening glass of milk on top of an old trunk in the family room each night while he retrieve his dinner and Ollie manages to drink at least half of it before he gets back. Somebody needs to be trained in that case I don't think it's Ollie. We can do a thorough scan of the family room before we leave to make sure nothing he can get into is within his reach and sure enough he always manages to out fox us. He's a very clever little scamp. His trainer assures us it is just the puppy stage and a sign he's bored. Why is that I don't chew everything in sight when I'm bored? Otherwise, he's the perfect pup! He turn 1 year old tomorrow ... Happy Birthday to Ollie "Cujo" Wernig!

Mom's Report: February 8, 2013

“Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring--it was peace.”
― Milan Kundera

Mom's Report: January 2, 2013

Ollie had his training evaluation today. The trainer proclaimed he was adorable, friendly, lovable, rude, a spoiled brat, and thinks he runs the household. Oh, dear, this did not sound like a good starting off point ... but, by the time she left, he was responding to "off" (get off the furniture), "sit", and "down". He was earning time to play "fetch" and "tug-of-war". He did not beg for our ...dinner tonight and only tried to bite me once which I caught by placing my finger under his tongue -- dogs hate that and will stop immediately. Who knew? Either the trainer put a spell on our naught Ollie or switched him out when we weren't watching because he has been a joy tonight. Tonight he sleeps in his crate, not on our bed, which Scott reluctantly agreed to and is already trying to wiggle out of. He says it's cruel to make Oliver sleep in his crate, but he's afraid I'll tell the trainer he backed out of his promise so he's reluctantly going though with it tonight only if I put him in the crate ... he doesn't want Ollie to get mad at hm. Atta boy, Ollie, you're already making progress. Three training sessions scheduled and then we have every reason to believe you will graduate. Add smart to the adjectives describing Ollie.

Mom's Report: December 30, 2012

It's official ... Ollie's behavior evaluation appointment is scheduled for Wednesday. He will received three classes and then we'll see where we go from that. The good news is Ollie's aggression has only started in the past two months so ...she described him as an under-exercised, bored, stubborn, and in his terrible teens testing boundaries. Best to fix the problem before it becomes ingrained. One issue -- she recommends dogs do not sleep with their owners. Scott says she's fired (without meeting her & she is MY Christmas present from Joshua & Meghan). I talked with the trainer on the phone tonight and I told her to bring the training treats for Ollie and a taser for the husband. I think I'm kidding ... then again maybe I'm not. He's already made up his mind this won't work ... don't ask me to choose between a well behaved dog and a stubborn husband. This could get ugly. Updates to follow.........

Mom's Report: December 29, 2012

Ollie is scheduled to start behavior modification classes after the new year. We're starting with the 3 class package and will go from there ... he may have to go to training camp if he's too stubborn, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Here's to 2013 with a better behaved pup and less exhausted owners!

Mom's Report: November 1, 2012

Oliver has a new friend. He lies by the French doors leading to the deck and the same chipmunk appears and stands with her/his nose to the door ... they stare at each other nose to nose neither one moving. If Ollie is in the recliner, the chipmunk jumps on the screen of the side window and remains there staring until he/she finally can't hold on any longer. Probably not good for the screen, but cute to watch how enthralled these two animals are with each other. Love is in the air! 
Ollie is on watch for his friend Half Tail (named for obvious reasons).

Mom's Report: October 13, 2012

Ollie at 7 months old ... not quite the pocket pup I was expecting. Hope his growth spurt is over, but he has massive paws. If he gets much bigger, we'll need a king sized bed! 

Mom's Report: September 29, 2012

Ollie's duck died a horrible death today. I could only find an orange beak, two orange feet, and a shred of yellow. We had a trash can funeral and said a prayer for his beloved duckie. I gave him a new toy to console him --- Mr. Moose. He's a lot bigger than Duck was and he's having fun chasing him although my arm is about to fall off from throwing him. Too bad ... he was a good and faithful duck. R.I.P.


Mom's Report: September 12, 2012

Ollie's REALLY in the dog house with his dad ... he picked his pocket and shredded $27. Scott's not happy and Ollie won't look either one of us in the face. He jumped up on the couch with me and immediately buried his face into the pillows. He stayed there until Scott left the room and then he starts trying to get on me on his side by kissing me wildly. I've got his number and he's sulking no...w because Scott would not take him to bed early with him per usual. My boys are not happy campers and each feels he's the injured party. Me? I'm just glad it wasn't something of mine he destroyed this time. Oh, Ollie boy, what are we going to do with you? You get plenty of walks ... we play fetch constantly with you ... you are cuddled, snuggled, loved & given lots of attention ... and still you prove yourself to be the master of cleverness to pull this off this caper right under our noses as you sat next to Scott watching tv so quietly. Add pickpocket to your resume and a very good one at that. Oh my golly Ollie ........ more crate time for you in your future. You've proven you can't be trusted and you aren't quite six months old. I don't want to think what your teen years will be like ... Stay tuned.
Ollie's In The Dog House!

Mom's Report: September 6, 2012

For those of you who want to know what Ollie did on Wednesday that left me without words to describe it here goes: He shredded a new roll of paper towels into tiny 1/2" pieces. When I had swept them into a pile (they were everywhere), he hopped on the broom and plopped down scattering them all again. My very favorite pair of flip flops were chewed beyond repair and he ruined a pair of slippers,... too. He had tossed all the pillows on the furniture all over the room ... chewed an old, but comfy friend of mine -- a sweater ... ripped the zipper off his dog bed and chewed it into strands of wire that were all over the floor ... and he was biting me hard for not playing with while I was cleaning up and discovering disaster after disaster. I put him into his crate, but not before I almost had a heart attack trying to get my hands on him and he' still trying to bite me. He had a serious time out and then decided to jump up on my lap to give me a kiss and a nuzzle. He would not look me in the eyes because he knew he had been very naughty. There was no damage today as everything is almost literally suspended from the ceiling. We know it looks odd, but self preservation comes first. All I can say is life's not boring ... and Diane I know you are looking at Uncle Don's top ten reasons not to get a dog. I maintain I will love this angel/devil until the day I die or he kills me. I think Ollie needs to go to puppy obedience classes and Scott needs training on crate training among other things. If I had a large enough crate, he'd be sitting next to Oliver! Just another day in puppy land!

Mom's Report: August 8, 2012

Poor Ollie got neutered yesterday. We're suppose to keep him quiet and not jumping for the next week ... maybe the vet should it have explained it to Oliver. He racing from one end of the house to the other, jumping, and ready to play. I had to put him in his crate for a rest. Not sure Scott would be this active if he had the operation!

Mom's Report: July 18, 2012

Every night I move everything on the coffee table in the family room to the back and slide the coffee table against the sofa so Ollie can't get at anything. Well .... apparently Ollie has been practicing his jumping skills ... he must be a friggin pogo stick. I was presented this morning with 3 shredded fashion catalogs very colorfully strewn all over the room and a tube of hand cream which he had punctured and smeared all over his face, paws, and the floor. There he sits wagging his tail so happy to see me with bits of colored paper stuck to his face and paws. OMG ... Ollie has been bathed, fluffed, & brushed. I'm still finding tiny pieces of paper everywhere and trying to get all the hand cream off the floor before I slip and break something. He's currently under the love seat chewing on what I hope is his elk horn, not the love seat, because he knows he's been a very busy boy. Yes, I know all about crate training, but my husband thinks it is cruel so he lets him run free in the FR when he leaves for work until I get up later. This floor was just mopped and washed yesterday ... looks like a repeat today. Do I love this little devil disguised as an adorable puppy? Yes, but right now I'd like him to be at doggy daycare for about a week.

Mom's Report: July 13, 2012

Ollie has been photo shopped by Will ... he's on his way to becoming a star!

Mom's Report: July 6, 2012

Ollie is still raising the devil and playing fetch with his much mangled and loved duck. He's so protective of his duck, but not so much his other toys. I thought the biting issue was under control until he jumped up and tore two holes in my new slacks today ... naughty Oliver! 

Mom's Report: July 1, 2012

Oliver update:
 Lesson #1 - Do NOT leave Ollie alone. OMG ... this little he-devil has learned to jump and nothing is safe from him. He managed to get most of my paperwork off the coffee table and turned it into confetti. He pulled a blanket and a pillow off the couch and chewed on them leaving behind tiny puppy teeth holes. He tipped over his food and water dishes and tracked water all over the room. He managed to grab a hair clip and chewed it to pieces. NOTHING is safe from him any more including my hands, feet, and pants. He is a NAUGHTY puppy!!! Good thing he's so darn cute and looks so angelic sitting there wagging his tail frantically when he spied me. My infusion has worn off and I don't get the next one until Friday so cleaning up after this puppy sends the pain levels soaring. He's so sweet, loveable, and charming when I'm with him bit, when he's left alone, he morphs into a devil who destroys everything he can reach. Oh my golly Ollie!!!!

Mom's Report: June 24, 2012

Oliver is still going strong ... aren't puppies suppose to nap? I may need the dog whisperer's help in slowing this little guy down. He slides under the sofa when he sees his brush come out to hide ... he has no snarls so it should be soothing as it is done very softly, but the little bugger sees it and he's off to slide under the sofa. Good thing he's so darn cute!!!

Mom's Report: June 17, 2012

OMG! Oliver has been up since 5 AM playing with his mini tennis ball and racing through the house. He doesn't know how to put the brakes on yet so he goes head first into walls, furniture, etc., but it doesn't seem to slow him down. He's finally taking a nap so I guess I should, too. (Yawn!) Thank goodness he sleeps all night. I don't know who is more tired now -- Ollie or me! It's a good tired. ;D

Mom's Favorite Quotes

Mom's favorite quotes

"The great pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him and not only will he not scold you, but he will make a fool of himself too." -Samuel Butler-
"You can say any foolish thing to a dog, and the dog will give you a look that says, 'Wow, you're right! I never would've thought of that!'”
Dave Barry (author
"A dog teaches a boy fidelity, perseverance, and to turn around three times before lying down."
Robert Benchley
"Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole."
Roger Caras
"Dogs are better than human beings because they know but do not tell."
Emily Dickinson (poet)
Photo of me with Josh on my first visit to his condo in Charlestown before continuing on my way to my forever home with Mom & Dad.  I'm only 4 lbs. in this photo and hopped like a tiny bunny instead of running while slipping and sliding on the hardwood floors.

Ollie Arrives Home

Ollie was born on March 28, 2012 in Mission, Texas to a mother who was a white 8 lb. poodle and a father who was a black 11 lb. shih Tzu - terrier mix.  He was one of six siblings -- one brother and four sisters -- found on the streets of Mission, Texas matted, infested with fleas and worms, and starving.  The family was rescued and taken to a kill shelter.  A kill shelter only keeps animals for five days.  If they are not adopted or claimed within five days, they are euthanized on the sixth day.  This is Ollie's story so I'll let him fill you in on the rest.
Hi!  My name is Oliver, but I'm called Ollie unless I've gotten into trouble and then it is "Oh, my golly, Ollie!"  I'm a mutt or, as my mom likes to say a designer dog.  I came to live in Maine when my mom was surfing the internet trying to find a puppy with hair, not fur.  She's allergic to fur.  She had lost her three Yorkshire terriers in the year and a half prior to her looking on the internet for a new puppy to love.  Luckily for me she wanted a rescue dog, but she couldn't find one with hair, not fur, in her area so she kept expanding her search until she found me in a kill shelter with my parents and siblings with only two days left before we were to all be euthanized.  I'm not sure what euthanized means, but I think it means you go to sleep forever.  Mom said she instantly fell in love with my photo -- I am all black with the exception of my paws, the tip of my tail that curls up and around, and on my chest.  She says I looked like I was wearing a little tuxedo, but it was my big dark eyes that melted her heart.  Mom spent an entire afternoon looking for rescue groups in the area hoping to find one who would take all of us until we could each find our forever home.  She did it and the same day a nice lady came and took us all home with her.  Mom had already emailed her an adoption application for me and it was accepted.  That began my journey home.  I flew from Mission, Texas at age 8 weeks to Chicago, IL and finally to Boston, MA.  I was suppose to arrive at 3 p.m., but mom was so excited she, dad, and my human brother Josh arrived at the airport an hour early.  Josh and dad went into the terminal first to check on when my flight was suppose to arrive only to find out I was already there waiting for them.  They wanted to immediately take me out of my crate, but dad decided mom should meet me first.
Mom was not expecting to see me when Josh and dad went back outside and opened the car door.  She spied the small carrier I was in and I heard her surprised laugh.  She had brought with her a special blanket she'd made for me -- it is blue with little dark blue paws on it -- along with toys, some food, bottled water, etc..  She opened the door to the crate and I was hunched at the very back shaking and afraid to come out.  She coaxed me out until I was in her lap on the soft blue blanket where she cradled me and stroked my soft hair until we got to Josh's condo in Charlestown.  She put me on the floor and I immediately plopped down to look it around and take in my surroundings.  It took a few minutes, but then I got up and started to explore.  The humans were all laughing and I didn't understand why.  Later mom told me it was because I hopped and bounced when I walked or ran like a tiny bunny.  I started playing tug-of-war with Josh and even gave a tiny growl when I thought he was going to win.  I won the contest despite only being 8 weeks old and weighing just over 4 lbs..  I must have been a very strong puppy because Josh isn't a small man. 
When it came time to leave for home I was so afraid mom would put me back in the crate, but instead she put me on her lap that was covered by the soft blue blanket.  I cried a little bit because I was so small and I'd traveled so long that day and I was missing my dog family.  Mom put me inside her shirt against her heart so I could hear her heart beat and I promptly fell asleep.  I didn't wake up until we arrived home and I was being carried into the house.  I was finally home and ready for an adventure, but first I fell asleep nestled in her neck to recover from my long journey home.  I like the word home ... it conjures up such feelings of love, acceptance, and fun ... but first I needed sleep.