Ollie was born on March 28, 2012 in Mission, Texas to a mother who was a white 8 lb. poodle and a father who was a black 11 lb. shih Tzu - terrier mix. He was one of six siblings -- one brother and four sisters -- found on the streets of Mission, Texas matted, infested with fleas and worms, and starving. The family was rescued and taken to a kill shelter. A kill shelter only keeps animals for five days. If they are not adopted or claimed within five days, they are euthanized on the sixth day. This is Ollie's story so I'll let him fill you in on the rest.
Hi! My name is Oliver, but I'm called Ollie unless I've gotten into trouble and then it is "Oh, my golly, Ollie!" I'm a mutt or, as my mom likes to say a designer dog. I came to live in Maine when my mom was surfing the internet trying to find a puppy with hair, not fur. She's allergic to fur. She had lost her three Yorkshire terriers in the year and a half prior to her looking on the internet for a new puppy to love. Luckily for me she wanted a rescue dog, but she couldn't find one with hair, not fur, in her area so she kept expanding her search until she found me in a kill shelter with my parents and siblings with only two days left before we were to all be euthanized. I'm not sure what euthanized means, but I think it means you go to sleep forever. Mom said she instantly fell in love with my photo -- I am all black with the exception of my paws, the tip of my tail that curls up and around, and on my chest. She says I looked like I was wearing a little tuxedo, but it was my big dark eyes that melted her heart. Mom spent an entire afternoon looking for rescue groups in the area hoping to find one who would take all of us until we could each find our forever home. She did it and the same day a nice lady came and took us all home with her. Mom had already emailed her an adoption application for me and it was accepted. That began my journey home. I flew from Mission, Texas at age 8 weeks to Chicago, IL and finally to Boston, MA. I was suppose to arrive at 3 p.m., but mom was so excited she, dad, and my human brother Josh arrived at the airport an hour early. Josh and dad went into the terminal first to check on when my flight was suppose to arrive only to find out I was already there waiting for them. They wanted to immediately take me out of my crate, but dad decided mom should meet me first.
Mom was not expecting to see me when Josh and dad went back outside and opened the car door. She spied the small carrier I was in and I heard her surprised laugh. She had brought with her a special blanket she'd made for me -- it is blue with little dark blue paws on it -- along with toys, some food, bottled water, etc.. She opened the door to the crate and I was hunched at the very back shaking and afraid to come out. She coaxed me out until I was in her lap on the soft blue blanket where she cradled me and stroked my soft hair until we got to Josh's condo in Charlestown. She put me on the floor and I immediately plopped down to look it around and take in my surroundings. It took a few minutes, but then I got up and started to explore. The humans were all laughing and I didn't understand why. Later mom told me it was because I hopped and bounced when I walked or ran like a tiny bunny. I started playing tug-of-war with Josh and even gave a tiny growl when I thought he was going to win. I won the contest despite only being 8 weeks old and weighing just over 4 lbs.. I must have been a very strong puppy because Josh isn't a small man.
When it came time to leave for home I was so afraid mom would put me back in the crate, but instead she put me on her lap that was covered by the soft blue blanket. I cried a little bit because I was so small and I'd traveled so long that day and I was missing my dog family. Mom put me inside her shirt against her heart so I could hear her heart beat and I promptly fell asleep. I didn't wake up until we arrived home and I was being carried into the house. I was finally home and ready for an adventure, but first I fell asleep nestled in her neck to recover from my long journey home. I like the word home ... it conjures up such feelings of love, acceptance, and fun ... but first I needed sleep.
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